I was in addiction for 27 years;

I led a very chaotic lifestyle and came from a very dysfunctional family. At the end of my using my health was failing and I needed help. I engaged with services in Leeds first at Barca and then Multiple Choice where I accessed residential detox and then rehab.

So began my journey into recovery.

I had had enough my addiction had nearly killed me.

I made a promise to myself that I would come back to give back to the services that had helped me get into treatment and get clean. On arriving home back from treatment I was supported by community links and they helped no end with my practical needs.

I was also referred to the peer mentor programme with Multiple Choice which I completed and then started my placement helping with the rehab prep group and dinner club. I then signed up as a volunteer at DISC and worked with the DRR team.

The encouragement and sup-port I receive from these people are second to none. Through this I have been involved with building recovery events in Leeds with the BRIC team and supporting service users. I have helped develop other group activities within DISC including spring board breakfast club, music group and in the process of developing a men’s group. By engaging with services in Leeds I was given a chance at living life clean.

I am now applying for jobs. I have healthy relationships with my family and friends, but most of all I am able to give back and help others seeking recovery. Many thanks to all that have help and continue to help to-wards my journey in recovery.

You all know who you are, much love and gratitude, from Andy In recovery.