Welcome to R3C0VRY.WRX.
R3C0VRY.WRX is a community. A movement for people in recovery from substance abuse and alcohol addiction. This website has been created for anyone & everyone in recovery. It is a platform for you to share your story, show your art and weave your words.
We’re just starting out and are constantly on the look out for contributions to help the community grow.
Our Mission.
R3C0VRY.WRX is dedicated to the coming together of people in all forms of recovery.
R3C0VRY.WRX is about Recovery, by people in Recovery, for people in Recovery.
R3C0VRY.WRX advocates that being clean & sober represents a movement committed to a change in overall lifestyle.
RECOVERY is not just a label, it is a reality.
This website.
This website is yours. No, really! A place to share experiences, thoughts, insight and beliefs about your recovery. We are not here to preach… but to allow a safe place to expand the community, spread the word and showcase the power of recovery as part of a lifestyle choice.
By you, for you…
Pretty much all the content is by you! Be it a story, a poem, a painting or some pictures. We want you to send us your stuff so we can publish it on here to demonstrate the soul of recovery in our community, so that we can de-stigmatise addiction and recovery and develop a better understanding of ourselves and others. So, why not contribute:
- Your story/ experiences
- Your written word & poetry
- Your arts & crafts
- Your tips & tricks
Get Social.
Think of this website as the mother ship! We’ll be putting as much stuff as we can on here – but we’re also active on social media. You can get involved through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram already… follow us today to see what’s what!
What we’re not. (The not so small print…)
Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor, mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition. You should not disregard professional medical advice, delay in seeking it or abandon a treatment regimen or program because of something you have read on this site.
Notwithstanding this, we have a growing resources section, which you might want to check out:
Contact us.
You can always get in touch with us here, or use the chat widget on your screen at any time.